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the notebook by: nicholas sparks

i know i frequently say this, but i don't read a lot of modern romance. i really only read this because it was at the place where i was staying, and i love the movie. (i love ryan gosling.) but i thought it could be interesting to take a break from my serious ponderings (lol) and read something gentle.

this motherfucker was ANYTHING but gentle. holy shit balls. i sobbed, i cried, i clutched a certain sweatshirt and felt my entire soul explode. never reading a romance like this again. it shattered me.

on a more educational note, it was well-written. it was gut-wrenching but at times i did feel it was a little too soulful. too nostalgic and romantical for my liking. it did strike awful similarities between me and excalibur which caused numerous tears to ruin my mascara on the local train. (personally, i am definitely noah and i'm sure he'd agree.)

i really enjoyed reading this, even though it had a lot of slow parts, and a lot of a word that i can't actually remember but will type here when it comes to me. ugh. anyway: 7/10. good book.

quotes: "I learned that life is about sitting on benches next to ancient creeks with my hand on her knee and sometimes, on good days, for falling in love." page 182

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